Student Research Projects and Theses

Contents on this page
  1. Guidelines
  2. Theses
  3. Templates

In order for your thesis to be successful, we have worked out some guidelines which you should follow.

Guidelines for Bachelor and Master Theses (PDF) (available in german only)


In the context of our teaching content as well as our current research work, we offer bachelor's and master's theses on various topics.

If you are particularly interested in a topic from one of our lectures, ask if we can offer a thesis related to the corresponding topic. If you are interested in one of our research projects, please also ask if we can offer a suitable thesis in this research area for you. We will discuss further details with you personally.

Please send your request only to

In order to find a topic that suits both sides, we ask you to briefly describe your previous knowledge and practical experience.

  • Programming knowledge (Java, C++/C, PHP, ...)
  • Knowledge depth (lectures, private use, ...)
  • Experience with operating systems (Windows, Linux, other UNIXe, ...)
  • Preferred topic (Security, Medical Informatics, AI in Medicine,...)
  • Desired orientation (Theory, design and integration of systems, implementation, ...)
  • Which of our courses you have attended (and when you visited them)


Due to the numerous requests we receive by mail, please take notice:

The templates on this page are for the CHI department only. Students of other department please use the templates of the respective department or the general templates of the university.

Templates for Presentations and Theses


For theses, we recommend the use of LaTeX, e.g. Overleaf: